Wednesday, May 18, 2011

31 Days of May the CF Way - Day 17 Hospital admissions what happens

A typical dayof an admission for El.

6am wake up! Hertimentin is given through the iv.

7am the line is flushed and removed, we usually sneak a shower in!

Breakfast arrives! 2 weet bix with milk, cream and salt!

8-10 am physio usually comes

10.30 am morning tea arrives, crisps and breaka

The doctor usually comes around this time.

Other visitors like the dietician and OT or social worker come at this time too.

12.00 hooked back up for tobra iv

lunch comes usually something hot with vegies, yoghurt (the non cf kids get sandwiches!)

1pm iv changed to timentin

she usually has a sleep (and Mummy too)

2-4pm afternoon tea comes (cake or biscuits and soft drink)

physio usually comes again

tobra levels checked (finger or toe prick and squeeze) on days it needs to be checked

5pm dinner comes (similar to lunch, with dessert which is custard or ice cream)

6pm timentin iv

7pm supper arrives (special milk drink and biscuits)

8pm usually asleep (mum gets to watch tv!)

12midnight timentin iv

Our biggest problem over the first 4 days was her cannulas which kept coming out, or getting occluded. So every day she had to have a new one put in. Which meant more nasty needles, and I really don't think the magic cream helps. Although I could be wrong! That is a typical day in the hospital! Multiply that by 14 and you have an admission, (except we escaped on day 7 to do Hospital In The Home!)

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