Saturday, March 12, 2011

We are all finished with iv's for now! It was a crazy couple of weeks. I love hospital in the home, it was so much better then being locked up in 1/3rd of a hospital room and having people in and out all day and night. Miss El was much more relaxed at home and me too. Getting the PICC line out wasn't too bad. Of course she screamed while having the tape off, but the actual line coming out she wasn't upset. She demanded a bandaid be put on over the mark once the cotton wool and tape came off, and the bandaid I used made her all red and sore, you can still see the mark it left (as well as the mark from the PICC line).

We have had a nice quiet week this week. Moncay was our busiest day, with the big kids starting classes with a home school group. J is doing art and Spanish, and Em is doing drama and a sport class. Drama doesn't start until next week but all the other classes were wonderful. Em wants to do art now, but I said she would have to choose that next term if she was still keen. J had tennis and we went shopping, and did school work. Like I said a nice quiet week, after a crazy couple of weeks.

May the quiet continue for a long time!

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Clinic went really well! Miss El has put on an amazing 700g in two weeks. It really does seem like IV's were the right thing to do for her at this time. Yesterday she didn't cough, except after physio and they were little dry coughs!!! So friday will be our last day. Then the removal of her PICC. Apparently the worst thing is taking the tape off of her arm. I think I will take her into the hospital for that. She already hates going in there and I don't really want her to be upset like that at home.

The older two are setlling back into home. I realised that I did not miss their bickering at all! I missed them and their playing and chatting but I sure wish all their little fighting was gone! We haven't started school work yet. Hopefully today or tomorrow. They did a lot when they were at Grandma's so they are not behind at all. Besides its a really long term so there is plenty of time to get everything done.