Saturday, October 16, 2010

Things I like

Things I Like
1. Video Workouts: Check out the video of this workout. It sure is a killer, but it is much nicer using a video then a typed sheet of paper with instructions (my usual) I actually haven't tried this one yet, its the next one I'll do, I did the interval abs one at the same blog. Give it a go! I couldn't move for 2 mins. after the 3rd set, and that was after modifying the exercises so they were easier! I am no fitness poster girl that's for sure!

2. Icecream: My favourite is cadbury's vanilla, not the light one either.

3. Sunny Days: Which have been few and far between, today is sunny, but there is an icy breeze blowing!

4. Books by Lori Wick: So wonderful you don't want to put them down. My favourite is, I think, To Know Her By Name. Its been ages since I've read it as I usually borrow them from the library and the library doesn't have many. I also recently borrowed White Chocolate Moments, which was great!

5. A Clean House: Although this doesn't happen very often!

6. My family, who are my support system through this crazy life.

7. Good friends, the ones who you can tell anything too and they don't judge you.

8. Ice Hockey Goalies, one in particular who is known as super goalie (I know you read this!!)

9. Blogs/ forums - the only way for CF parents to really keep in touch with the reality of living with this horrible disease and to get the support we need.

10. Days at home - the ones where you don't need to get dressed, or get in the car, or get school work done, or get house work done, or do the washing. the really lazy ones!

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