Wednesday, May 11, 2011

31 Days of May the CF Way - Day 10 Pros and Cons

A would say I was a negative person ( I prefer realistic) , but for once I am going to focus more on the positives!


CF Sucks! Nothing more to say really.


Living in Australia we are at a distinct advantage to people in other countries who have CF. The PBS makes our life easier and less expensive compared with other countries.

I hope that my children will have more compassion for people who are different.

The people we have met in the hospital, at CF events and in daily life

The internet- I often wonder how mothers coped before the internet. (Our children can never meet due to the risk of cross infection). The internet is a fantastic tool for us to connect.

Good friends - All of those who are just there when I need them, who watch the other kids when we have appointments or emergency visits to the hospital. Those who listen when i go on about CF things. And those who don't ask too many questions! Love you all! You make our journey easier!

Family who put their lives on hold for us, do washing when we are in hospital, keep the big kids, etc, etc, etc....

Learning what really matters in life!! Not worrying about the small stuff so much!

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